Holy smokes, it has almost been 2 months since I have last posted. I knew it had been awhile but I didn't realize that it was that long!
Way too much has happened since the last time I posted so let me see if I can summarize this up real quick.
1. I finished my EMT class! I passed the practical portion of the exam, next up, written!
2. I took a hiatus from CrossFit but my first day back was yesterday and it felt great!
3. I signed up for the Susan G. Komen 5k in Philadelphia next month.
4. Me and Sarika are moving into our new apartment Saturday. Pictures to follow for sure!
5. I started working at Whole Foods again because, well, why not.
6. I still haven't scared away the guy I'm talking to. #winning
7. I visited my mom and brother for a hot second in Florida and while there I got a new tattoo!
8. My best friend came to visit me in Philly and I definitely hated seeing her leave. (There might have to be a tbt post to her visit because it was awesome)
9. I found my new favorite vegetarian restaurant Hip City Veg. (Thank you Sandy)
10. Owen has finally started saying Chelsey and it might be the cutest thing that I have ever heard.
I promise not to skip out on posts from now on! (Crossing my fingers I don't regret saying that!)
Since my first day back at CrossFit was last night I thought I would share with you the madness that happened. I am sore to say the least and I know that tomorrow will be even worse.
Deadlift + Ring Rows (20 minutes EMOTM)
Evens- 5 deadlifts at 75% (I did 80 pounds)
Odds- 8 ring rows
15 Minutes on the Clock
A. 6 Rounds of Cindy
(5 Ring Rows, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats)
B. 20 Clean and Jerks (I did mine at 60 pounds because my arms were killing me)
C. 30 Burpee Bar Jump Overs
I only made it through the rounds of Cindy and 11 Clean and Jerks before the time ended.
5 Minute AMPRAP
Straight Leg Sit Ups
Surprisingly I did 72 of these bad boys. Not too shabby for my first day back!
I hope that everyone has had a marvelous week and that you are all doing something exciting this weekend because it looks like the weather here in Philadelphia is going to be wonderful!