Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day off = Target

My thoughts exactly.

Today was my first Saturday off in goodness knows how long and of course I wake up at 6:45. My body clearly hates me or it is just very confused as to why I wasn't feeding it coffee at 4:30. My day was productive to start: cleaned the bathroom, did my laundry, and even rearranged my dresser drawers! Then me and the roommate decided that we needed to go to Target. Every one knows that you never HAVE to go to Target but who can resist?! And this just wasn't a quick trip. No no no. If I do remember correctly, it was a 3 hour long trip. 3 HOURS! But we all know that it isn't too hard to get caught up in the aisles of forever happiness.

My shopping list consisted of 4 things:
1. Conditioner
2. Jelly
3. Bread
4. Shower Curtain Liner

Now, do you think that is all I left with? Of course not. Shoot, I didn't even get the bread or jelly! But I used a coupon for the conditioner. Go me!

Is it weird that I ended up buying more groceries than anything else with today's adventure? Probably wasn't a good idea to go while hungry either so the apple sauce and Rainier cherries were a definite must have.

Side Note: Rainier cherries are probably the best creation on this planet besides Whole Foods vegan oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Go out and get yourself some! NOW!

I think that the best part of the whole trip was when we were at the check out and got to witness a woman freak out on the poor store manager. Now, I'm not sure why exactly the security guard asked this lady if she had her receipt but she was the wrong one to ask. I have never heard so many curse words come out of a middle aged white woman's mouth in front of a store full of people until today.
"This is the ASSHOLE that asked for my receipt. How dare you! What's your name? I'm calling corporate!"
"Ma'am, you need to calm down"
" It's because I'm white isn't it!"
Whoa whoa lady. I know we are in Philadelphia but I'm pretty sure you aren't the only white person shopping today, all you had to do was show the man your receipt. 
Turns out she was there to buy stuff for her son for college. Poor kid won't be able to show his face in that Target every again. 

Hope everyone's weekend is going as well as mine and not the security guards!

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