If you haven't had the pleasure of walking into one of their stores you are missing out on probably one of the greatest experiences of your life. Okay, maybe a little dramatic but it still might change your life. I hadn't heard of it until my brother got me a gift box of goodies from there for Christmas about three years ago. Of course that means I blame him for my slight obsession that I now have. I have tried many of their products through out the years but since it can be a little pricey since it's fresh natural products I had to cut back some without a steady full time job. Thanks to nannying, I've been able to splurge a little on my face and hair care.
Reading the back of some of the labels of the things that you find in your shower can be a little scary sometimes. Try it. See how many ingredients you can't actually pronounce. And the ones with numbers in their name are chemicals. Yikes.
I decided that I wanted to slowly switch over to as many all natural products that I can so I started with my face wash and shampoo and conditioner. Boy, did I make a great decision!
First up, my new face cleanser that I would recommend to anyone!
Let the Good Times Roll.
The name is catchy and the scent is just over the top. If you like salted caramel popcorn, you will want to eat this. No joke.I had never seen it before and the lovely lady informed us that it was once a limited edition item for the holidays but because so many customers wrote in saying they just had to have more of it they decided to make it a permanent cleanser and I am so grateful they are because it is probably the best product that has touched my face!
It has pieces of popcorn in the cleanser. Yes, in it! You might think that is crazy but it's amazing. I don't think my face has ever been this smooth. It's almost up there with a baby's butt.
Superbalm, Rehab, and Veganese.
Now, these don't have popcorn in them but they still sure smell amazing! And they do amazing things for your hair!
I will confess, I have dandruff. Big deal, lots of people have it. But I haven't been able to find anything that works as well as good ol' Head and Shoulders. Well, I think I have finally found my replacement.
Superbalm: This is a scalp treatment that you use 2-3 times a week, depending on how severe the dandruff is. I have used it twice in the past week and it has worked wonders! It has salicyclic acid and coconut oil which help sooth your scalp and keep it moisturized. It's weird to rub on your head 20 minutes before you actually shower but it works so it is totally worth it!
Rehab: A delicious (expensive) shampoo that has peppermint and juniper that gives your scalp a nice little tingle. There are other awesome things like pineapple juice, mango juice, and lavender oil that you will find in the ingredient list. YAY! for ingredients that you can actually read!
Veganese: I absolutely love this conditioner. Probably because it smells like lemon. Yeah, I think that is why I decided to pick this one over the other three they had to offer me. There is also lavender in it which helps with keeping your scalp flake free!
The best part about all of these products are that they are vegan! Makes me feel better about myself as I lather up in the shower.
My next step is changing my body wash. There are too many options to pick from but one of the best things about Lush is that they will give you endless amounts of samples because they know you will fall in love and will have to come back and buy their products!
Anybody else out there just as obsessed as much as I am?! I know I am not the only one!
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