Friday, December 20, 2013

WOD Thursday? Or Friday...

This week has been so crazy. I only worked three days and I'm currently sitting on the plane headed to Tampa. I didn't finish packing for my trip until around 2am (I am a horrible procrastinator if you couldn't tell).

I was so determined to stick to three posts a week but it is a bigger challenge than I thought. I don't want you all to miss out on my workouts so a WOD Thursday Friday will have to do for this week! I'm not going to make any promises about next week with vacation and Christmas.

Thursday December 12th

[1] Power Position Snatch (22 Minute EMOT[2]M)

Roast Beast
15 Minute AMPRAP
5 Pull Ups (Ring rows for the weak like me)
10 Shoulder to Overhead
10 Deadlifts

I don't actually have anything to complain about with this WOD. I'm slowing getting better at my snatch but I think it is because we are always doing some sort of snatch on Thursdays which will only make me better. I'm still at a pretty light weight but it's mainly because I'm scared that I'm gonna fall backwards and hurt myself because I am prone to that.

And that is the only WOD I did this week. I had a lot to do in preparation for my week vacation in Florida. I am hoping to get some regular gym time in while I am here and my friend does crossfit in St. Petersburg so I am going to join her on Monday for a WOD which I am super excited for. I have always been curious how other boxes run their programs. I will definitely have to let you all know how that goes!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

PS- This took more than 24 hours to finish as I am currently already in Florida. So much for a sweet mile high post! Maybe next Friday!

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