Monday, January 6, 2014

First Day Back!


Who in the world is ever excited about going back to work?! Well, I will tell you who.
This girl.

Technically, this past Thursday was my first day back but it was a lazy day that consisted of the kids staying in pajamas all day. Friday was a snow day (the perks of working for teachers) so last week was kind of a dud. 

Everybody else out there was dreading waking up and dragging themselves to work today. Not me. I woke up at 6am and was ready to go! Today was actually one of the first times that I went to work and didn't want to automatically pass out on the couch until the boys woke up. Luckily for me, Max decided to wake up at 7:45 so we got to cuddle on the couch and watch videos on the iPad until Owen woke up at 10. Then it was off to the mall with my roommate and the girls that she nannys. It was a great first day back with only one potty accident! Its hard to remember that you gotta take off the underwear before sitting on the potty. Baby steps, guys.

Some quotes for your entertainment tonight:

As we are getting in the car to head to the mall.
"Hannah's hot!" -Max

"Max what are you doing?" -Me on our way back from the mall
"I'm picking my boogies!!" -Max
"Well that's cute" -Me

"Hi mom!" -Max
"I'm not your mom" -Me
"Okay, hi grandma!" -Max
"What?! How old do you think I am?" -Me
"Seven." -Max

... and my all time favorite question to ask.
"Max, who cuts your hair?"
"Farmer John!" -Max (he means barber, but its so darn cute!)

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