Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello 2014

Well, today is the last day of 2013. This year has had many ups and a few downs but I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for me. Last year I made myself a list of resolutions that I unfortunately can't find right now, but I know there were a few things on it that I didn't get to accomplish that I still want to do this coming year.

I can't believe how fast this year went. Weddings, new jobs, heart break, moving, and starting crossfit all made an appearance in 2013 and without them all I wouldn't be who I am now.

Since now I have somewhere to permanently put my resolutions and look back on them, I decided to do two different lists. One will be my fitness resolutions and the other one being personal resolutions. Don't be surprised when my fitness list is longer than my personal. 2014 is going to be the year of fit Chelsey and I can't wait to get my butt back into gear. These past couple months I have been slacking, but I am determined to get back on the crossfit horse and you all are going to help me, by making me accountable, by reading my blog, and yelling at me when I start to slack.

Without further ado, here are my 2014 resolutions!

  • Crossfit at least 2 days a week
  • 25 unbroken push ups
  • 3 strict pull ups (5 would be pushing it)
  • RX a whole WOD (I haven't RX'd any WOD so far)
  • 100 unbroken double unders (I can barely do 2 as of right now!)
  • Deadlift 200 pounds (90 right now)
  • Run a half marathon
  • 5 hand stand push ups (I'm too scared to even do 1)
  • Stop being so damn nice to people Learn to say no more often
  • Keep in touch with my family
  • Volunteer more
  • Live in the now, not in the future

I told you my fitness would be more than my personal. I don't really make too many personal resolutions because I try to be the best person I can be and live a life I love without doing it strictly because it's a new year. The start of a new year is the perfect time to start making more fitness resolutions because I can look back on what I did this past year and make new goals for myself. And let me tell you, it feels great when you can cross off those fitness goals one at a time. They may take me awhile but hey, I have a whole year!

I hope that everyone has a great night tonight bringing in the new year! Be careful and don't start off the new year making poor decisions. Don't drink and drive!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Florida In Review

Hello lovely blog readers! I hope that you all had a grand Christmas and that you got to spend some quality time with some amazing people (I know that I did!).
I got to spend a whole week in Florida with my mom and brother and I couldn't have asked for a better time.
Lets highlight some of the favorites shall we.

1. My brother and I decided to surprise our momma and decorate the apartment before she got home from work Saturday.
2. We got to meet up with my aunt Roni for brunch in downtown St. Pete which was amazing! (Who would have thought that sunflower seeds in a veggie wrap would be delicious!)
3. Went to the movies and saw Anchorman 2 (I highly suggest you go see it right now if you haven't!)
4. Me and my mom got to have lunch with my aunt Kim and my cousin Kati.
5. I went to crossfit with my friend Rachel at her box. So different than how my box is structured but I totally loved it.
6. On Christmas day I got to FaceTime with Max so he could show me all his presents he got from Santa!
and best of all...
6. I got a tattoo as part of my Christmas presents from my mom!!! (My brother got one too!)

Before and After!
Treys Half Way and Finished!
I was SUPER excited

I was sad to leave Florida but I was also excited to finally be back home in Philly. And unlike a lot of people, I am actually looking forward to going back to work on the 2nd!

I hope that every one had a lovely holiday! Time to put down all the cookies and pick back up some barbells!

Friday, December 20, 2013

WOD Thursday? Or Friday...

This week has been so crazy. I only worked three days and I'm currently sitting on the plane headed to Tampa. I didn't finish packing for my trip until around 2am (I am a horrible procrastinator if you couldn't tell).

I was so determined to stick to three posts a week but it is a bigger challenge than I thought. I don't want you all to miss out on my workouts so a WOD Thursday Friday will have to do for this week! I'm not going to make any promises about next week with vacation and Christmas.

Thursday December 12th

[1] Power Position Snatch (22 Minute EMOT[2]M)

Roast Beast
15 Minute AMPRAP
5 Pull Ups (Ring rows for the weak like me)
10 Shoulder to Overhead
10 Deadlifts

I don't actually have anything to complain about with this WOD. I'm slowing getting better at my snatch but I think it is because we are always doing some sort of snatch on Thursdays which will only make me better. I'm still at a pretty light weight but it's mainly because I'm scared that I'm gonna fall backwards and hurt myself because I am prone to that.

And that is the only WOD I did this week. I had a lot to do in preparation for my week vacation in Florida. I am hoping to get some regular gym time in while I am here and my friend does crossfit in St. Petersburg so I am going to join her on Monday for a WOD which I am super excited for. I have always been curious how other boxes run their programs. I will definitely have to let you all know how that goes!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

PS- This took more than 24 hours to finish as I am currently already in Florida. So much for a sweet mile high post! Maybe next Friday!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Elfie's Adventures

Probably the cutest part about December and nannying for a family that has a 2 year old is getting to see him wake up to Elfie every morning and seeing what shenanigans he got into the night before. I always feel bad since I'm sure his parents would like to be here every day for it but I am always sure to let them know whether or not Max was actually excited to see Elfie or not. I think his favorite day this week was probably the M&M's, mainly because he got to eat them with his breakfast and what kid doesn't love chocolate?! They usually save the better days for the weekends so they can see him get super excited but that makes sense (and because I really don't wanna have to make tiny pancakes at 6:30 in the morning!).

I hope that everyone has a good weekend! Mine will consist of EMT Practicals all day Saturday and doing a 12 hour ride along shift at the ambulance company!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

WOD Wednesday

It's hump day! Which means the week is alllllmost over. Yesterday it snowed here in good ol' Philadelphia which meant I got my first SNOW DAY!! Nannying for a teacher and a principal sure does have its perks (even though I would've loved playing with the boys in it!).

Unfortunately, I had a terrible headache last night so I wasn't able to make the WOD but I'm still going to include it in this post since I was planning on going. Totally the same thing right?!

Thursday December 5th

[1] Power Snatch + [1] Snatch Balance (20 Minute EMOT[2]M)

For Time (7 minute cap)
Pull Ups (I did ring rows)
2 minute AMRAP
5 minute AMRAP
Clean and Jerks

If there is one thing that I hate doing, it's snatches. It's awkward, I feel awkward, and I probably look awkward doing them. I'm pretty sure I only got up to 55 pounds. Not that great but it's my least favorite so I'm slowly increasing my weight. No need to rush it. My second least favorite thing: dubs. I think I did like 6? I am absolutely horrible at them. I always end up whipping my arms more than actually getting the rope under me twice. Even trying to do single, single, double. Nope. I just can't seem to go fast enough. Oh well. After two of my least favorite work outs, at least I got to end on a good note with some split jerks. Some people hate them, I absolutely love them! I think it's because I feel so powerful when I get to dig my feet into the ground.

Tuesday December 10th

Power Clean Holds
20 minutes
ODDS- 2 Power Position Clean Holds
EVENS- 5 Strict Pull Ups

Schweddy Balls
For Time (6 minute cap)
20- Kettlebell Swings
60- Wall Balls
20- Kettlebell Swings
Whip 'Em Out
10 minute AMRAP
5 Toes to Bar
5 Pull Ups
30 Dubs

If I had gone to this last night I probably would've only complained about the dubs (see above comment). I'm not a fan of wall balls but they help me get a nice looking booty from the squats so I can't complain much about them. I probably would've subbed Knees to Chest for Toes to Bar and Ring Rows for Pull Ups. Maybe by the beginning of the year I will try to start banded pull ups and see how well that goes!

I hope that you all will enjoy my WOD Wednesdays and it will inspire you to get in the gym and lift some weights! I'm hoping that it will inspire myself to stick to my Tuesday and Thursday night WODs so that I can share them with you!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Crossfit Christmas List

I've only been doing crossfit for about 6 months now, but I am 110% obsessed with it. I got to bring a friend to my box this past Thursday to show her why I'm addicted. I think she fell in love. Mainly, because I think everyone does.

This Christmas all I really want is a new tattoo. However, if I didn't want a tattoo, I decided that I would make myself a little wishlist of what I would want. Yes, it is all crossfit stuff. Yes, I want all of it.

There's really nothing else a girl could ask for is there?
(The tank top is definitely my favorite of all of them!)

I hope that everyone has a great week!

PS- I am going to start doing WOD Wednesday's so that you can see what work outs I have done so you can do them on your own and have sore legs and arms with me!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What I'm Thankful For (Work Edition)

I might be a few days late on this post but I still think it should be said.

In regards to my job, I am so thankful for the family that I work for.

I started working for them in August of this year, but it seems like I have been with them for so much longer! I love the boys I watch more than anything and I would do anything for them. When their parents aren't home, I am responsible for them and I treat them like I would my own children. I truly love those boys and I don't know what I will do when I stop nannying for me. (Hopefully that won't be happening for awhile!)
Besides the relationship I have with the boys, the relationship I have built with their parents is just as strong. I might not see the dad that often, but I still never have a problem texting or calling him when I need to. My relationship I have established with their mom is completely different, in a good way. We send each other pictures of the boys whenever we capture adorable moments and when I'm not feeling well, she is sure to text me to ask how I am feeling. I've talked to her about my guy problems and she complains about work. I love the relationship I have with her and I am so thankful that she had two amazing little boys that I get to spend 5 out of my 7 days of the week with.
Whenever I need time off or I need to leave early from work, they never have a problem with coming home early or finding someone else to watch the boys (even though I hate leaving them). When I was planning my trip to Florida for Christmas and it was cheaper to fly down the Thursday before Christmas, they had no problem with letting me leave then, even though I already have all of Christmas week off AND almost the whole week for New Years.

I am one lucky nanny. That is for sure.

I hope all the other nannies out there think they are just as lucky. I never felt like a part of the family with the first family I worked with but now I couldn't even imagine my life without them.

PS- They are doing Elf on the Shelf and it is the cutest thing I've ever been a part of.
Anybody else out there have a sneaky little elf making messes and keeping the kids in check?