Sunday, May 18, 2014


After I turned 24 I decided that I would make a 25 things to do before I turn 25 list. As of today, I am a third of the way through the year until I turn 25. That sounds absolutely nuts and I think I might have a mini panic attack.

Let us review the list and see how things are going shall we?
  1. Meet a stranger and turn them into a friend
  2. Get a new tattoo
  3. Find a kick ass EMT job
  4. This.
  5. Run a half marathon
  6. See a broadway show
  7. Buy a bathing suit that I feel confident in
  8. Cut and dye my hair
  9. Be financially aware
  10. Start to learn a new language
  11. Have dinner with myself, no distractions
  12. Buy a present for somebody "just because"
  13. Visit a family member I haven't seen in a long time
  14. Be with my best friend when she turns 25
  15. Make a meat lover fall in love with a vegan meal
  16. Donate to a charity
  17. Take a road trip
  18. Have a day of pampering for myself
  19. Volunteer
  20. Pay for someones lunch
  21. Say "I love you" even if it scares me
  22. Go to the beach and watch the sunrise
  23. Learn a new hobby
  24. Read The Hunger Games series
  25. Go to a Panthers game with Sarika
Well, so far it only looks like I have tackled 4 things on my list. There is still time, 8 months to be exact!! This summer I am hoping to knock out a lot of these because I need some family, beach, and road trips in my life.

Even though I haven't crossed many things off my list, I still have done a lot since I turned 24 and I am truly hoping that this year keeps getting better. I have had no complaints so far and I'm totally digging 2014.

Have any of you made any sort of bucket lists lately? I hope that you are getting to cross some things off of it because it feels great when you get to!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Buffalo Tempeh Nuggets

The other week at Whole Foods it was Team Member Appreciation Week. For us Whole Foods employees, we can't wait for this week every year because we get a sweet 40% discount! That's right, 40%!

Since me and Sarika were moving the week after TMAW, we decided to stock up on lots of foods that we eat often: refried beans, chick peas, veggie burgers, and ginger ale. I have used tempeh before but I couldn't even tell you what I used it for! I figured I needed to step up my vegan game so I bought some more this time around and figured I could pinterest some awesome recipe.

With a little bit of tweeking different recipes, I decided to make these buffalo tempeh nuggets. When I used to eat meat, I loved anything buffalo. Buffalo chicken nuggets, buffalo chicken sandwiches, buffalo chicken salad. If it had chicken and buffalo, I was eating it. An old roommate of mine used to eat buffalo "chicken" nuggets which I thought were wonderful! When it came to switching to vegan though, I realized that they still used dairy and eggs to make them so I wouldn't buy them anymore so it was up to me to make my own! These might not taste exactly like chicken, but they sure are scrumptious! Hopefully you will also think the same!

1 Package of Tempeh
1/2 Cup Buffalo Sauce
1 Cup Panko Breadcrumbs
Chili Powder, to taste
Paprika, to taste
Salt, to taste

1. Cut the tempeh into 1 inch "nuggets"
2. Evenly coat the nuggets with buffalo sauce and let sit for about 10 minutes
3. Mix breadcrumbs and seasons together (if you want to use other seasonings go right ahead!)
4. Dip the buffalo sauce covered tempeh into the breadcrumbs to make a good crust
5. Place in the oven at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes.
6. Take some of the leftover buffalo sauce and put a little extra on each nugget and put back in the oven for another minute or two.
7. Serve on top of a salad, with vegan ranch and celery sticks, or french fries!

You could absolutely make this recipe with larger pieces of tempeh and turn it into a buffalo tempeh sandwich, I bet that would be delicious!

I'm always looking for new recipes so if any one out there has some yummy recipes using tempeh please feel free to share! I would love to try them out!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

This is me.

Do you want to know who I am?

Well, here you go.

I'm 24.
I have a degree in Chemistry that I don't use.
I'm a nanny to the cutest two little boys.
I work part time as a cashier at Whole Foods.
I'm testing to get my certification as an EMT.
I watch Bollywood movies and eat Indian food.
I have no idea what I will be doing in 5 years.
I wear onesie pajamas.
I'm a perfectionist.
I say I'm vegan but cheese tempts me sometimes.
I talk to my mom every day.
I'd rather stay at home then go party.
I only use lavender scented laundry detergent.
I fart.
I'm a Capricorn.
I hate driving.
I use Head and Shoulders.
I'm addicted to social media.
I have a big butt.
I love to CrossFit.
I'm agnostic.
I fall head over heels too fast.
I hate wearing shorts.
I am obsessed with interracial babies.
I eat peanut butter and jelly toast.
I have body dysmorphia.
I miss seeing my best friend every day.
I'm not afraid to talk to strangers.
I'm afraid of rejection.
I collect wine corks.
I always have my toenails painted.
I love love.
I bite the inside of my cheek.
I have constant dreams of my teeth falling out.
I don't care if you don't like me.

Because I love me.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Throwback Thursday

One of the most exciting things that happened in the short long time I had been M.I.A. was my best friend, Paige, coming to visit all the way from Arizona. We have known each other since the 3rd grade but became best friends in 6th. I love this girl more then words could describe.

I couldn't wait for her to get out here because she had only ever been to Philly once before, in our senior year of college her and my momma came out for family weekend. This time around though, I would be in a completely different place, in life and location. I was so excited to show her Manayunk and get to spend quality best friend time together.

The first full day that she was here, we got up, before most people were going to bed from the night before, and headed to NYC! She had never been there before so it was my duty to show her the important sites. Thank goodness for Gabe or I would have had us lost in the first 5 minutes of stepping of the megabus.

First up, Carlos Bakery in Hoboken! I had never been so I was super excited to eat lots of pastries and not feel guilty about it at all. Unfortunately, Buddy wasn't there, or any of his sisters but it was awesome to actually step foot in such a famous bakery.

After our chilly time in Hoboken we headed back into the city which consisted of the following: 9/11 Memorial, Pizza (of course), Time Square (and a movie), Rockefeller Center, and lastly the Highline. I know that I am speaking for the both of us when I say that the best part of our time in NYC was seeing Kevin Bacon at the movies. Yes, Kevin Bacon. He looked like a bum, but it was sure him. Totally made up for the cold weather and lack of sleep!

Of course, we had to go into Philly because she had only ever been once. We walked around Penn's Landing, South Street, and took some pictures with Rocky!

So many awesome things happened, I could write a short story about it. Her time here was far too short and I can't wait to make more plans for her to come out here again so I can show her even more!!