Sorry that I have been M.I.A. for awhile. Between nannying, school, crossfit, and general laziness, I haven't had much time to actually sit on the couch and jot down anything that might be remotely interesting to anyone. Luckily for you though, I think I finally have something! WOOHOO!
This past weekend I got to fly down to Florida to spend some quality time with my mom and brother. And by quality time, I mean watching my brother play GTA5 while me and my mom watch the Best of Vine videos on Facebook. I had a great time and when Sunday rolled around I really didn't want to come back to Philadelphia.
The quality time was great, but the main reason for me heading down to FL was because it was the weekend of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Two years ago I was down there for it, somehow missed it last year, but we decided since my mom now lives in Florida that we should all do it again this year! Breast Cancer awareness month hits very close to home for my family, so anything that has to do with finding a cure will always hold a place in my heart.
In 2009 my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was the most devastating news I had ever heard in my 19 years of living. How could this have happened? My mom is the greatest person I know, so why this awful diseases was attacking her was beyond my belief. It came as a shock to everybody, but what didn't shock everyone was how strong she was. There were some moments that I wish that I could just drop out of college and go back to Arizona to take care of her, but I knew that wasn't what she would have wanted for me. Being across the country from your mom going through something like this was one of the hardest experiences I have ever had to deal with. I couldn't be there for her like I wanted to be and it was hard. But after everything, she made it through. I wouldn't know what I do without my mom. She's my best friend.
Race day started
bright dark and early at 5am on Saturday! My favorite part about races like this, is the ridiculous amount of pink that I get to wear! I went to Target on Friday in hopes of finding pink shorts and I did. I wasn't surprised because Target has everything a girl could ask for but now I'm just getting off topic.
The race was at Vinoy Park. Right on the water. I thought it was freezing, everyone else seemed to be enjoying the weather. I guess you know you've been in Pennsylvania too long when low 70's is chilly to you! It was still dark out when we got to the race but by the time we put our bib numbers on, the sun was rising.
Me and the Bro |
Fast forward a few hours and we were standing behind all the runners, waiting to start walking.
The Tutus are totes happening next year! |
My favorite part of doing walks like this are the great outfits that everyone is wearing! I wish that I had been more of a creep to show you all the wonderful ideas people had. I do believe that all the men wearing bras were definitely on my list of best dressed!
Finally, we were off! There were so many people doing the run/walk that it took us awhile to actually reach the start line but after about a minute and a half of shuffling down the road we made it!
This years race was a bit different than two years ago. My moms mph isn't as fast as it used to be so we decorated a wheelchair and pushed her. And by we, I mean me. Besides a few yards in the beginning that she pushed the wheelchair herself, it was all me. My brother tried to ask me if I wanted help, but I was determined to do it the whole way. And I did. Thank you crossfit. As a matter of fact, after the race I wasn't even tired. Very sweaty, but not tired!
Mmmm sweat. |
Finally, after 3.1 miles we finally crossed the finish line. Only took 1 hour and 17 minutes! I was very impressed with our time. And we weren't last!
After the race, I got to meet up with an old friend which was awesome! Me and Rachel were inseparable when we were younger. She lived on the next street over from my childhood house so of course we were the best of friends. Then I moved. Whomp Whomp. I'm glad that I got to see her. She definitely helped me finally suck it up and decide to join crossfit since she had been doing it before I became obsessed. She ran the 15k on Saturday and is running a half marathon soon! GO HER!!
Photobomb courtesy of Fed |
Days like Saturday are always emotional for the family but we all had each other there which was awesome. One of these years I would absolutely love to do the 3 day walk but I just can't ever find the time to dedicate to fund raise. Before I'm 30! That will be my goal!
I hope that everyone is enjoying their October! And can you believe that it is Wednesday already?!